I've been thinking about creating a blog for some time now. There's something nice about extricating my thoughts into the anonymous blogosphere, but I never got around to it. Until now. Now, when I've had one of the worst days in recent memory and would like nothing better than to drown my sorrows in mind numbing sugar and Say Anything, I decided to post.
Warning: Continuous bitching begins...now.
Morning: I open my eyes. My radio station, which usually plays an eclectic mix of alternative and indie music Wednesday mornings, is playing very strange country/Rockabilly anthems involving lost dogs and wronged men.
Day: Work
Later Day: Inane twenty minute conversation with coworker, which I'm still pondering the subject and/or relevance.
Later Later Day: New scratch on my car
Evening: Trip to the grocery store. Items in my basket: Midol and Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream.
Checkout Line Wait Time: 10 minutes before giving up all hope and walking to a different line. Still items in basket: 2.
Jarring, sympathetic look from Cashier of Line #2.
Later Evening: Near brush with extremely old pickup truck. Driver of said truck affecting a look of disdain and rude hand gestures.
Currently: Dry heaving into a garbage can for the better part of an hour. Medicinal assistance has yet to kick in.
Phew. Continuous bitching complete. I'm off to eat soup and pull the covers over my head until it's tomorrow. I only ask not to be judged too harshly for my first ever post.
The Dresden Dolls - Good Day
**Here is also a link to some of their other songs. The lyrics to "Good Day" are there, so you can sing a long to my misery. The Dresden Dolls Website