September 29, 2010


I don't know why I don't watch Cougar Town more. I never seem to be available Wednesday nights, and not because of my social calendar. Just because...hmm, awkward.

However in the spirit of last week's episode, I watched the new Cougar Town tonight. Except, no. I didn't do that either. But I did embrace last week's idea of the 2:00 siesta, except at 12:30. I know, man. I'm slipping.

Ever since I got back from a week long vacation to discover that my basil is actually flourishing without me, I've decided that I need to relax. I wish this form of relaxation would free me from all responsibilities like the cast of Cougar Town, but alas I'm not much of a drinker.

I finished I Shall Wear Midnight early this morning (hence the need for the siesta) and am still thinking about it. How wonderful to be so young and so sure what you're supposed to do. But how difficult to standby that decision when doing so may mean losing the other iterations of who else you could be.

I'm not that old. I still have time, I suppose, to find these other people. Other me's. Yet it seems that every day that passes where I'm still the same me I begin to doubt even the existence of other, better me's.

This is in no way a hint of synopsis for I Shall Wear Midnight. Just the thoughts that came with the book.

For more indulgent introspection (set to music!), a good Bill Lawrence standby:

September 18, 2010

Girls kick what?

I don't admit to being completely in the loop of current trends. Sometimes I only get as far as knowing where to steer clear. As how my life goes, I've been running into a theme this past couple of months.

This has brought me onto the current bandwagon of The Hunger Games. No, I don't know what fans of The Hunger Games call themselves, but surely it's in tow with Grobanites and Twi-hards, right? (I kid, I kid)

August 20, 2010

No turning back

I sometimes wonder if I've become so media saturated that I can't appreciate works of the past. I grew up obsessed with AMC. Audrey Hepburn, Natalie Wood, William Holden.

July 26, 2010


I'm feeling a little hobby overload or task overload. Whatever you'd like to call it. I blame it on a certain awesome friend of mine.

After not seeing her for a few months, she answers the usual "What have you been up to?" question with a list that includes trapeze classes, retreats, and new adventures.

My reply was " know, same old, same old".

July 16, 2010

Whether to weed...

Last year my neighbors told me about Bell Organic Gardens.

Basically, you purchase a "product share" in the spring, they use the money to actually buy seeds and equipment, and come June you pick up your weekly "share" of organic produce until October (18 weeks). The shares are offered for two or four people, in six different locations (Draper being sold out). They also offer other items besides produce. Everything is local.

So why didn't I participate this year?

Well, I went to a Relief Society Gardening Night and convinced myself I could grow basil. The first week, sprouts actually started to grow.

July 13, 2010

Gaining momentum

Instead of appreciating my forefathers and all that, I celebrated my Independence Day by purging my DVD's down to three shelves. The strict criteria required to reduce 50% of my DVD collection was two fold. First: Had I watched this movie within the last year? Second: If I hadn't met the first question, would I watch this movie in the next six months?

The internal bartering that occurred meant that these past three days I have watched a bunch of random movies.

July 10, 2010

Usual Trappings

This morning started off so well. I got out of the house, visited family and had See's Candies. I planned to go home, sit at the computer and work on the screenplay. Instead this happened: