There was no Huey Lewis and the News last night, but some excellent moments, Schwartz's response from my last post's question on why Chuck and Sarah could never be, a Karate Kid reference and an episode close with Bon Iver's "Skinny Love". What's not to love?
The answer to that and many more increasingly awesome questions and one-liners lies in last night's episode of Chuck. Besides gushing about the well-placed Huey Lewis and the News, the two OC-esque references (an appearance by Melinda Clarke and the 80s music video hot girl crawling towards the camera like one Taylor Townsend in Season Four) and Lester's Wheel of MisFortune, we also get to see the nice Chuck/Sarah progression. Which, let's face it. Their obstacles are no Buffy/Angel. Get 'em together, Schwartz!
My TV complacency is high. Thank goodness I have this and Pushing Daisies.