June 21, 2009


Per my sister's request I will post a new entry into this blog. Since she is one of two people that actually follow this blog (hi Mark!) then I will acquiesce to her request.

Lately there's been a song that has been circulating around in my head. At first I thought it was just a catchy song, but recent events leads me to think otherwise.

Case in point 1:

Yeah this was pretty funny, kind of adorable. But not as in sync as this one

Case in point 2:

Catchy, cute, but a rendition of a cover I already heard from Petra Haden

Case in point 3:

Then there was the VM reminisces of

Case in point 4:

Why is the song haunting me? I ask you! I would have included the Sopranos finale but I didn't really follow that show. Sorry Amb!