When the series Heroes came out it seemed like everyone was asking that aged-old question, "If you had a superpower, what would it be?". Besides the power to possess other powers, which is a total cop-out power, Milo Ventimiglia, I would have to say it would be the short-lived Charlie's powers, who could understand information incredibly quickly. She reads something and it just gets stuck in her head forever. Learning Japanese in an afternoon? Easy. Making sure villanious brain-openers aren't behind you when you're opening that can of Heinz tomato paste? Not so much.
Thanks to the friendship of a certain comic book nerd, I took on the superhero name, Cypher.
This weekend I watched The Forbidden Kingdom, and I gotta say. If I hadn't already decided, I might've had to change it to include the power to asphyxiate a foe with the strength of my hair. And looking kick-ass while doing it. Maybe that should be my power.
I'd probably back you up on the whole "power to possess other powers is a cop-out power", but, but, the greatest mutant EVAR possesses that very same power. That's right. I'm talkin' about Rogue here, Cypher.
She's so awesome that even the considerable watering down they gave her in the X-Men movies didn't mess her up. To borrow a quote from Neptune's own: "Look — pocket protector and [she's] still full of pimp juice!"
I was considering starting a list of characters who possess prehensile hair (Lian Ni Chang from The Bride with White Hair, Medusa from Marvel's Inhumans, Godiva from DC's Global Guardians, Spidergirl from [also DC's] Legion of Super-Heroes...), but I just realized how little people actually want to be exposed to that degree of geekdom. So I didn't.
I didn't very much.
You know Rogue's my favorite X-men, but the rules of the game clearly prohibit answers based on lazy indecision.
You're back on the guest list for Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
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