April 27, 2008

Ten Reasons Why You Should Walk Away From Your Computer and Just Read a Book

10. Trying to win an argument by saying, "everyone says so". Identity of everyone: the four music, two TV and three popculture blogs, you read on a daily basis.

9. Contemplate signing up for Twitter, even though you're pretty sure all you'd ever post was different variations of "typing on my computer" just to be a smartass.

8. Change your MySpace layout more than three times a week.

7. Have multiple conversations explaining the terms "snark" and "YMMV"

6. Argue comment with a perfect stranger on a blog/message board.

5. Spend four hours or more drawing graffitti on someone's Facebook wall.

4. Make Television Without Pity your homepage.

3. Watch episodes online even though you have a fully functioning TiVo/DVR already on it.

2. Look up a specific subject on YouTube (be it musician/actor/whatever) and find that if you sort by any of the provided criteria you'll have already watched videos from at least the first three pages.

1. Realize that you let an LJ/Photobucket video of Jason Dohring saying "Veronica is dead to me" ruin your entire weekend. So much so that you were ready to devote an entire blog post reaming this ACTOR and REAL LIFE PERSON for saying such a thing (even if he added a half-assed 'Just Kidding' at the end) along the lines of "she might be a television character but she's still alive and well in my heart" instead of a #1 spot on a Letterman-esque Top Ten.

So, see? Who needs books, right?

1 comment:

Goshzilla said...


10. I thought Whitney was "everyone".

9. I've never known you to be a smarty-pants. Ever. (And, yes, I know the word is "smartask", but I can't bring myself to type it. See? Even right there, in quotes, I fail at being dangerous.)

8. There's a reason Candyland is a classic.

7. YMMV,with the explaining, sure. But "Snark"? Heck, the only definition I've ever had to give of Snark was pointing to the picture of you on my "Triple R for the win" t-shirt. Folks immediately get it.

6. Troll.

5. Flamer troll. (And now I need to look into Facebook, because the opportunity for digital graffito is teh awesome!)

4. Nuh-uh! Really? I always thought it was http://www.jemandtheholograms.net/

3. See, now that right there? Hilarious. And they need to get "Dr. Who" up on the feed. Like, yesterday.

2. I know, right? I've about worn out my search options for early clips of Dustin Hoffman as Vincent the Vegetable Vampire on The Electric Company.

Or was that Morgan Freeman?

Juhhh-st kidding. :P

1. I heard that Jason was actually trying to quote his lines from "A Trip to the Dentist"; "...You have a problem with Veronica, you're pretty much dead to me, so just, like, evaporate or something, I don't know." But the boy just mumbles so much he, uh...

Oh! And he was dizzy from all those recent blood drives... and...


Yeah. Sorry.

Um, I still love Veronica.

And I loved your "Top Ten" format. It's a keeper.