May 23, 2008

I Hate Snakes

Patton Oswalt always said that if he ever had a time machine, out of all the things he could do to save the world from the crazy monstrosities it sometimes finds itself in, he would transport himself back to 1997 and kill George Lucas to prevent him from making the three prequels to Star Wars.

After watching last night's, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, I might not stop him from getting his lusty revenge. It wasn't that it was so bad. Its biggest offence was recycling action that have been perfected elsewhere. At one point I was actually thinking, "Wow, they did that much better in The Mummy 2."

I guess Ironman set the typical action movie bar really high.

1 comment:

Goshzilla said...

I think we need to talk about this.

And seriously, what kind of opening is that? Little Snurkle's still crying.