May 14, 2008

Tired Toilet Humor

I was reading this from Gizmodo and (because I am sometimes twelve years old) I couldn't stop thinking of really bad potty jokes.

And now that I want to post, all of those "brilliant" one-liners are gone.

So now I will just comment on something rather serious concerning the commode. My work has replaced its toilet paper liners with really cheap, generic ones. And though I probably wouldn't have cared either way. A liner's a liner, right?

The previous brand name toilet liner was called: LIFEGUARD.

That's right, Lifeguard. And even though it probably wouldn't contribute to my salvation, in any form, in any way, a part of me wonders if it could have. You never know what could happen when you're poppin' a squat.

And a bidet to you, too.

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